About Raffaele Riva

Founder, co-owner, and partner of AUREA Multi-Family Office available to Family Businesses: composed of a number of regulated companies inter alia Aurea Wealth Management SA (Lugano, CH), Aurea Consulenti Associati SA (Lugano, CH), Milano Fiduciaria S.r.l. (Milano, I) and AUREA Family Business Sarl (Luxembourg, LU), that operates through a team of few high-qualified professionals and various associates in:
asset and wealth management,
wealth and estate planning, trust
real estate,
international cross-border activity (including legal and tax issues),
corporate finance and restructuring, sport finance,
M&A, club deals and other extraordinary transactions.
Aurea Wealth Management SA, where Riva is Vice Chairman, is a Swiss Portfolio Manager and Trustee authorized by the Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authority (FINMA), managing portfolios and bankable assets under advisory investment management and discretionary portfolio management mandates as well as acting as trustee on a commercial basis for private individuals, entities and institutional clients with traditional and alternative investment strategies.
Aurea Consulenti Associati SA, where Riva is Chairman, is a Swiss wealth management company, licensed by the Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authority (FINMA) through the self-regulatory organization “OAD FCT”, operating as a corporate and financial advisor under advisory and discretionary mandates in the delivery of business advisory and consultancy services in the fields of international finance, tax issues and compliance, asset protection and estate planning, corporate&sport finance and restructuring, merger & acquisition, club deals, and other extraordinary transactions.
Milano Fiduciaria Srl, where Riva is Chairman, is a financial institution licensed by “Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico” (MISE), operates as a fiduciary company according to the Italian law 1966/1939.
Aurea Family Business Sarl, is a Luxembourg company operating as corporate advisor in the delivery of advisory and administration services to cross-border family businesses, including corporate bookkeeping, auditing and reporting, due diligence assessment, tax and legal compliance, corporate organization and governance, coordination of the operations and relationship management with banks, correspondents, law and accounting firms.
Raffaele Riva and AUREA Multi-Family Office
Aurea and its business partners, manage extremely significant assets and businesses of families of HNWI and UHNWI and above one hundred clients which include companies, institutional client, corporate leaders, funds and individuals.
Riva and his business partners, acting for Aurea and its Group of companies, built a strong expertise of structuring transactions and were:
advisor of numerous significant executed M&A assets and shares deals,
arranger and advisor of numerous significant financing and corporate finance deals including sport
finance and transfer funding deals,
and a significant number of financing, corporate finance and M&A deals in pipeline,
promoter and advisor of various club deals and start-up projects,
advisor of numerous real estate deals,
advisor of various complex cross-border group restructuring deals and business turnaround,
advisor of various complex cross-border estate planning and wealth reorganization,
manager on a commercial basis of portfolios and bankable assets,
trustee and estate practitioner of a number of HNWI and UHNWI family wealth.
Aurea’s team is specifically structured to provide wealth management services to a number of HNWI and UHNWI.
Aurea cooperates with a large network of high-level professionals, banks and mutual funds, asset and fund managers, insurance companies located worldwide.
Riva and Aurea's business partners act as board member, referral, introducer, promoter and advisor of open and collective mutual funds and securitization vehicles.
Past Professional Experience
From 1997 to 2008: Founder, Co-owner and Managing Partner of advisory companies, operating in the field of wealth and estate planning and management, international cross-border activity (including legal and tax issues), corporate finance and restructuring, M&A.
From 1992 to 1996: Top Manager of a multinational conglomerate, holding positions as Senior Executive serving on the boards of many group companies mainly in Europe and South America. Head of the Lugano's offices of the group, often working in Amsterdam (Netherlands) and Luxembourg in order to coordinate the operations of various subsidiaries and branches mainly located in Western Europe, Canada, Central and South America, South Africa.
From 1988 to 1992: from Assistant to Assistant Manager/Supervisor in the Audit and Accounting Area of Price Waterhouse (currently PWC) a Big 4 in Milan (I) and Manchester (UK)
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 1987: Degree with honors in Economics, specialized in accounting, corporate finance, mergers & acquisitions, company and business law, tax law, banking law, bankruptcy law.
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 1989: ltalian qualification as Qualified Accountant ("Dottore Commercialista")
January - December 1997, Post graduate annual master course in “International Taxation” at SSQEA (currently University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI), Canton Ticino Management Business School, Morbio Inferiore, Switzerland
January - December 1998, Post graduate annual master course “Swiss Cantonal e Federal Tax” at SUPSI, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Lugano Switzerland
October 1999 - March 2000, “Master in International Tax Law & Practice” (six modules) at Euroconference – Centre of Studies in Tax Law, Verona, Italy
March - June 2012, Post graduate master program "Il diritto dei trust e degli affidamenti fiduciari" Trust law and practice, Milan, Italy, XII Edition, (five modules) at Consorzio Interuniversitario Uniforma - Associazione "Il trust in Italia", program accredited for the continuing education of Italian lawyers and accountants
March - June 2017, Post graduate master program “Legal & Business English for Italian Lawyers & Accountants” at University of Milan Bicocca, Milan, Italy, EFLIT English for Law & International Transactions, program accredited for the continuing education of Italian lawyers and accountants
Major Qualifications
Member of "Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili " (Register of Qualified Accountants) of Milano, ltaly, previously "Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisiti, for over thirty years
Member of "Registro dei Revisori Legali" (Register of Legal Auditors), Roma, ltaly, previously "Albo dei Revisori Contabili", from its founding
Former Member of AIRA - Associazione Italiana Responsabili Antiriciclaggio, Rome, Italy (Italian Association of Anti-Money Laundering Officers)
Full Member n. 255695 of STEP: entitled to use the letters TEP as Registered Trust and Estate Practitioner, for over ten years
Member of “Albo dei Fiduciari Commercialisti” from the Canton Ticino Authority, the Register of Authorized Accountants and Trustees of Canton Ticino, Switzerland, for over twenty years
Former Member of “Albo dei Fiduciari Finanziari” from the Canton Ticino Authority, the Register of Authorized Asset Manager of Canton Ticino, Switzerland
Other Subjects
Expert and collector of modern and contemporary art, and financial partner of an art gallery in Milan of emerging artists.
Wine expert.
Member of the London Reform Club.
Member of the Monaco Yacht Club.
Sports activities:
o played at professional level in show-jumping and ski,
o took part in a number of classic cars rally and races,
o diving instructor (inter alia two-star CMAS) and has dived in all seas of the world.